Menu items gone
Valeriy Kovalenko
In version 7.0.x we have completely rewritten the menu part. This issue should not happen again.
Valeriy Kovalenko
Hi martin, I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing this issue. I've heard from other users who encountered a similar problem, and in all those cases, restarting the app helped (swipe the app away from the list of recently used apps and start it again). Could you please give it a try and let me know? Meanwhile, we're working on a major technology update that should prevent such cases.
Valeriy Kovalenko
Hey martin, I wonder restart helped to resolve (at least temporarily) the issue?
martin jensen
Valeriy Kovalenko: haven’t experienced it since last time I uninstalled/installed the app. I think I tried to restart the app last time and it did not work, but I will check next time if it happens :)