Support of iHealth Air (Smart Pulse Oximetet)
Philip Nitsch
Dear Stamina team, I have an iHealth air and would love to track my vitals while doing static apnea training. Would it be possible do include this device in the arsenal of monitoring devices that can be used with stamina?
Thanks a lot for your time and effort!
Here you find the link to the Oximeter:
FYI app version 6.5.1
No joy getting the PO3M to connect, get three devices show up in the search (top three in attached photo) and tried all three separately and also adding all of them.
Also tried getting it to connect and start outputting in the IHealth App and then tried to connect, again no joy, the Bluetooth symbol disappeared from the front of the PO3M and get the second photo.
FYI Bluetooth does connect it just doesn’t seem to understand the protocol of the data being sent 🤷🏻♂️
Valeriy Kovalenko
David, Alexandre Wayenberg, Philip Nitsch hey guys! We've just released a connection wizard: could you please give it a try to see if you'll be able to connect your devices?
(make sure you're on the latest version of the mobile app - 6.4.1)
Alexandre Wayenberg
I have a similar one the PO3. It would be great to support it. I think POM3 is just the EU version. Valeriy Kovalenko do you have the data from Light blue ?
Valeriy Kovalenko
Valeriy Kovalenko
under review
Valeriy Kovalenko
Hi Philip Nitsch, can you please follow these steps to gather some info from that device: and send everything to so I can take a look if that'll be possible to make your device compatible.
Klaus Verweyen
Valeriy Kovalenko: Is this ticket still open? I am also looking for support to the iHealth Air.
I can send you all the information from light blue
Valeriy Kovalenko
Klaus Verweyen: still open! I'm going to take another device implementation round when finish with the current top prio tasks (especially Apple Watch and Garmin)
Klaus Verweyen
Valeriy Kovalenko: thank you for the info. The pulsoximeter in the list are still working right? So I will go with the wellue Fs20f
Valeriy Kovalenko
Klaus Verweyen: yes, the listed pulseoximeters should work. I usually recommend to go with Medisana PM 100 (Bluetooth LE version) because it's the only pusleoximeter that I've seen that uses Bluetooth LE specs for the communication.
Klaus Verweyen
Valeriy Kovalenko: thanks for your feedback. Then I go with the Medisana. I like your app very much.