After every time I hold my breath i get a self assessment question asking if i could have done more or was that my best or i couldn't complete the time
This question would be asked every time in every breath section of the table
After i finish the table i get 2 options
1 take an average of the answers let's say 3 times it was easy and 3 times i couldn't complete so the average is it was just right for me
2 change each one separately so the ones were i chose easy time will increase for that hold and if i choose hard time will decrease
There could be a settings menu to turn off this because it might over crowd the app
And in the settings menu chose how many seconds to increase or decrease when i choose easy/hard and Maybe here i can choose the option of take the average or each one by it's own
And a settings option to do all this every 2 3 or 4 times i do the table
And a setting to maybe ask the question on 1 or 2 random holds in the table every time
İf you make this feature it will save me Soo much time. As a swimmer i already do this on a paper every 2 times i use a table to adjust the times but if it all happens automatically it will save so much time
This could all be hidden in a advanced settings menu so it will not crowd the app but for those that regularly use long 30 minute tables it will save so much time as we spend a lot making and adjusting these tables
The potential ways this feature could help are limitless
İ will contribute to the app if this becomes a free feature
Thanks for reading