Garmin App als Training hinterlegen (Save Garmin app as training)
Silvano Zbären
Wäre es möglich, durch das App von Stamina auf der Garmin Uhr auch gleich in Training zu starten und dieses somit in der Garmin App als Training aufzulisten, bzw. zu hinterlegen? Dies natürlich auch mit der Herzfrequenz.
Vielen Dank :-)
(Would it be possible to start training straight away using the Stamina app on the Garmin watch and thus list or store this as a training in the Garmin app? This of course also applies to the heart rate.
Thank you :-)
Google Translated by Valeriy)
Matin Goerg
Isn't this the same as this suggestion?
Steve Broyles
This would also allow wet apnea training more easily (my watch is waterproof, phone is less waterproof)
Steve Broyles
Yes, this would also allow data to export from Garmin to other apps like strava or training peaks
Thomas Tiotto
It would be awesome to have a standalone app like AW has.