Statistics improvements
Valeriy Kovalenko
Hey Damian Watracz, what statistics are you interested in? The same items that are currently there (just sliced by time intervals) or something more sophisticated?
Damian Watracz
Valeriy Kovalenko: I was thinking about something like this:
- Tabs at the top where you can select: All time | This month | Last month | This year | Last year | Custom period?
- Add arrows < left and right > to switch periods. Let's say I want to see monthly statistics of my trainings. So if I select "This month" and click < left, it would select "October 2022", if I click < left again it would select "September 2022" etc. That would work as a quick way to see statistics from previous months / years etc.
- Add new information such as what kind of tables were trained - there are various tables in the app: O2, CO2, Custom etc. So it would be great to know how many O2 tables were done, how many CO2 tables were done, how many Manual tables were done (these are tables that I usually use). For me it's more important on what kind of training I was focusing on, and how many particular tables I did (maybe too many O2 tables and not enough CO2 tables?). It's not very important in terms of planning workouts to know what was "Total apnea time" or "Total rest time" - although it is an interesting number. But it's just like "Total time spent in the gym" - it doesn't say much about what was done.
- And below similar to how it's currently (based on what's selected above), so:
- Total workouts
- Total O2 tables
- Total CO2 tables
- Total Manual tables
- These sections (O2, CO2, Manual) could be expandable (with an arrow on the side) and after expanding these sections, we could get more details about what tables were done (as a list, exactly the same way as it is in the History section)
- Below we could keep details that currently are in Statistics, so Total apnea time, Total rest time, Total training time etc.
If we want to go crazy we could also create something like a column chart, representing time spent on all tables and all trainings. So vertical axis could be time, and horizontal could be months. Each month would have a column with let's say 3 colorful "blocks" - for O2 tables, CO2 tables and Manual tables. Above columns we could have a tooltip with number of total workouts. This way we could see a visual representation of a yearly apnea training that we had.
Valeriy Kovalenko
Damian Watracz: exhaustively! Thanks! Appreciate!